In the rat race of society, you’re constantly on the go, constantly working, taking care of family, hanging out with friends, meeting work deadlines and so on. But amidst all this chaos of life, are you really taking care of yourself? Taking care of your own doesn’t necessarily mean all about me and me. It doesn’t always require elaborate spa days or weekend retreats. Self care habits do not have to feel selfish at all. You probably heard the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care is just simply filling your cup by taking some time to take care of yourself and to know how to process some of your feelings so that you can love and help other people.
In this article, I am going to discuss 5 simple yet powerful habits to elevate your self care journey. If you’re one of them, finding the importance of slowing down, being intentional, being present with the people, and most importantly, being present with yourself, slow down a bit. Hopefully, this article can offer you insight that you can add to your own daily routine and make a part of your lifestyle.
Start your day slowly
One of the best practices to keep your mind calm and prepare yourself for the rest of the day is having a slow morning routine. In our hectic lifestyle, we usually feel rushed from the moment we wake up. Bombarded with notifications, emails and to-do lists before we’ve even had a chance to fully open our eyes. It is said that the way we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Wake up earlier than you need, so you can ease into the day, and do things at your own pace without rushing. Start your day with your morning prayer, set aside time for deep breathing and meditation, or just simply go for a walk into nature and give yourself the gift of enjoying a fine morning.
Eat good foods
I am always with the eat good, feel good theory. Try to understand your body. When you need to drink more water, when it’s craving food or when it has had enough. I am not telling you to stick to any strict or special diet just try to eat nutritious and healthy foods as much as you can. After all, there’s no harm in treating yourself once in a while with something you have been craving.
Free your mind from your thoughts
Did it ever happen to you that on a beautiful holiday night, with all dressed up, you went to a busy club and then guess what? That club is already full inside. So now you are making efforts but eventually, you won’t be able to enter the club until there is space to accommodate you. Our mind is just like a busy holiday nightclub. You can’t grow positive thinking with all the overwhelming and exhausting thoughts that are already here to give you anxiety.
Effective self care requires a clear mind and a nurturing environment. Free your thoughts by expressing them to anyone or anything. Talk to your best friend, write in your journal, paint it, sing it or whatever you can do. Just free your mind from the incessant chatter of your thoughts and create some space for clarity and insight to arise.
Set healthy boundaries
Be compassionate, be kind but of course, with grace. Be careful about what you’re allowing in your life. Sometimes we allow certain behaviors of people just out of shyness or courtesy despite our lack of interest. When you can’t say no to anyone or anything, it’s very easy to feel stuck with a burden and get anxious. Understand that you can not do everything for everyone all the time.
Learn to say “No” to anything that can drain your energy or negatively impact your emotional well-being. Be gentle to everyone but set a healthy boundary around yourself regarding what you are allowing in your life and what you don’t want to be a part of. Remember, setting boundaries is not selfish, It’s just another form of self care.
Wrap your day slowly
Sleep should not feel like just a necessity for waking up the next morning. After a whole busy day, It’s good to end your day the same way you begin it, slowly. Try to be disconnected from your digital device at least 1 hour prior to sleep. Free your mind, take a few moments to reflect on the events of the day, acknowledge your accomplishments no matter how small, and give yourself credit for the challenges you faced throughout the day.
Then you can establish a soothing bedtime ritual that signals your body and mind that it’s time to unwind. This could be as simple as dimming the light, drinking water, taking a warm bath, reading a book before bed or anything that can bring you joy. It will help you cultivate a sense of closure and peace, release any tension from the day and prepare you for a restful night of sleep.
Final words
There is a thin line between being selfish and prioritizing self-care. And in the concern of being selfish, we often overlook our own well-being. Remember that self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or time-consuming, it’s just about prioritizing small acts of kindness and self-compassion that calm your body and mind. So from today, try to give yourself the same love you give to others with these simple self care habits and allow your heart to feel the bliss it deserves.
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